What are the microorganisms associated with food poisoning?
Food poisoning is Acute stomach flu caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink that contains the unhealthful small organism or their toxins or toxic chemicals. Food poisoning is common in hostels, hotels,communal feedings, and festival seasons.A group of persons are affected with some form of symptoms ,and they provide a history of consumption of a typical food before few hours.
Types of sickness
1) microorganism food poisoning:
Here the small organisms known as bacterium ar accountable. The food material might contain the unhealthful bacteria or their poison and can be eaten alongside the food.
2) Non microorganism food poisoning:
Due to the presence of harmful chemicals like fertilizers, insectisides, heavy metals and ECT. Since microorganism sickness is common it's mentioned here. Bacterial food poisoning:All bacterium aren't harmful. There ar some unhealthful bacterium that secrete toxins, and cause clinical manifestations.
These organisms enter the organic structure through food articles or drinks. How sickness occurs:
1) Presence of bacteria within the water.
2) The raw materials for the food might contain toxins.
3) Premises wherever the food is ready might contain small organisms or toxins.
4) Food handlers might have some infectious diseases.
5) Some animals like dogs, rats might contaminate the food.